Saturday, September 19, 2009

Confession Prayer

Good & gracious God: we humbly come into your presence reminding ourselves that you are worthy of our thanks & praise.

Your loving, creative hand placed us here, and we are not alone.

We are blessed with the companionship of family, friends, co-workers, and even strangers on the street.

We are also blessed with the companionship of other creatures - the birds of the air, the animals we call pets that share our homes.

Because we are imperfect beings, there will always be mistakes we make intentionally or unintentionally that hurt others in your creation.

We come to you sorry for the wrongs we have done.

We ask your forgiveness even for times we have sought your will, yet gone our own merry way disregarding your road signs.

You love and accept us right where we are - just as we are. Help us to know the error of our ways.

Help us to pause to reflect a few moments, and
call to mind a time or two that calls out for healing and forgiveness - no matter how trivial or overwhelming. (PAUSE)

We are truly grateful for your loving, guiding touch in our hearts and minds - that reaches into our inmost beings, even in the very moment when we have the courage to open up to you.

As the birds above, may our lives sing of your creation with ever increasing joy.
As our beloved pets, may we purr with your love & bark with the excitement of the bounty of your creation.

All this we ask in the holy name of Jesus, the Christ. Amen.

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